Festival berlanjut dengan panel yang membahas evolusi penghargaan sastra Indonesia dalam “Sekilas tentang Penghargaan sastra Kita” serta eksplorasi peran alam yang beraneka ragam dalam sastra di dalam perbincangan “Menyingkap Lapisan-lapisan Alam”.
The festival continues with panels addressing the evolution of Indonesian literary awards in A Glimpse of Our Literary Awards and an exploration of nature’s multifaceted role in literature in The Layers of Nature.
Interactive sessions like The Pen to Performance poetry slam masterclass encourage creative expression, while discussions on history and activism, such as Indonesian Students and the International Anti-colonial Movement, reflect on the global stage of nationalism. Concluding with Towards A Just Energy Transition, the festival underscores the need for fair and sustainable solutions to the climate crisis. These discussions collectively bridge literature, activism, and global issues, fostering meaningful dialogue and inspiration.