Author's Forum

Panel 10 | Literature as Commons

Writing for Solidarity

Sunday, 1 December 2024, 16.30-18.00 Western Indonesian Time

Wahyu Sihombing Theater, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta

Our lives are becoming increasingly capitalistic in all dimensions. Meanwhile, traditionally, literature has communal roots. How does literature offer ‘commons’ and thinking about life together? Where do literature/literary actors build a ‘cultural barn’ based on togetherness, celebration of diversity, a sense of solidarity and a sense of belonging? What form does this ‘commons’ take? Can it break through the current world of literacy based on neoliberal structures?

Isabel Fargo Cole (GERMANY)
Melani Budianta (INDONESIA)
Nurhady Sirimorok (INDONESIA)

Farish A. Noor (MALAYSIA)