Zen Hae
LitFest Jaktent Curator
Zen Hae writes poetry, short stories, and literary criticism. His latest book is an omnibus titled Rahasia Kesaktian Raja Tua (The Secret Magic of the Old King, 2022), and a collection of essays titled Sembilan Lima Empat (Nine Five Four, 2021). His other books are a collection of short stories Rumah Kawin (The Wedding House, 2004); a book of poems Paus Merah Jambu (The Pink Whale, 2007); and a trilingual edition of his short stories The Red Bowl and Other Stories (Lontar, 2015). He is the co-editor of the two-volume The Lontar Anthology of Indonesian Short Stories: Short Fiction from the Twentieth Century (Lontar, 2017) and Kalam, an online literary and art journal hosted by the Salihara Arts Center.