Mimin Dwi Hartono
Policy Analyst
Mimin Dwi Hartono has been working at the National Committee of Human Rights (Komnas HAM) since 2006. Currently, Mimim serves as a Middle Policy Analyst at Komnas HAM since 2020. Previously, while working at Komnas HAM, Mimin served as Acting Head of the Human Rights Advancement Support Bureau (2021-2022), Head of the Study and Research Section (2020-2022), Head of the Mediation Section (2019-2020), and Acting Head of the Counseling Section (2017-2019), and Investigator (2006-2015). Before working at Komnas HAM, Mimin was active in the Wana Mandhira Yogyakarta Foundation, Walhi, the Yogyakarta NGO Forum, and the South East Asia Committee for Advocacy (SEACA).
Sunday, 1 December 2024, 16.30-17.30 Western Indonesia Time
S. Soedjojono Gallery, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta