Nissa Rengganis
Nissa Rengganis completed her undergraduate program in Political Science at Jenderal Soedirman State University. She continued her postgraduate program in International Relations at Gajah Mada University. She is currently completing her doctoral program in International Relations at Padjadjaran University. She has been a lecturer in Political Science at Muhammadiyah University of Cirebon since 2014. In addition to teaching, she is active in various cultural communities and organizations. She is a member of the management of the Islamic Arts and Culture Association (HSBI), the Cirebon Language and Literature Study Center, a researcher at the Lingkar Studi Sastra, and the founder of the Rumah Kertas literary community. She also manages Rumah Rengganis, a library and coffee house that is a meeting place for the literary community in Cirebon.